Oh goodness!! I feel like I have so much to say but so little at the same time lol because I almost feel weird sharing this for some reason I guess 

I'ld say pay attention to little things he likes - favorite snacks, drinks, restaurants, artists, movies, etc. 

•° Keep a note in your phone of all of these things so u remember! 

°• Figure out how to surprise him with his favorite things as random gifts, for birthdays, anniversaries, just random mundane Tuesday date nights and stuff I dunno!

•° Listen well and attentively.

°• Compliment him instead of picking him apart

•° Put your phone away when you're together 

°• Thank him for things he does for you, or offer to pay for meals sometimes! 

°• Try to have a good mix of the different love language things - but if u figure out what his main ones are then definitely love him well in those areas! Be direct and truthful when u're upset. 

°• Don't just be passive aggressive and expect him to understand. Guys usually don't understand what we actually want when we act like that, just communicate and be honest abt how you're feeling! Guys are not mind readers. 

So just talk!! And then lastly pray. There is so much spiritual warfare going on in this world - prayer is so so essential for him with his relationship with God, w you, family, etc. so pray <3

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